ENTER ZĒP: A WORLD IN TWELVE VOLUMES is an ongoing, incredibly ambitious, graphic novel project/series in twelve episodic volumes, straight from the fertile mind of Nolan Cross, and illustrated from the talented pen of Benji Andringa. Each volume consists of 7 story chapters of varying lengths, which will become available as the fable is written and drawn!
The saga takes place in the parallel world known as Zēp, where heavily detailed, complex, and wacky characters come together to form the narrative. ZĒP will take you to Hell and back – at times literally – on an incredible journey of violence, the tortured human psyche, memory, redemption, and above all, Good and Evil, all in a vastly and rapidly changing interconnected world. ZĒP is about everything fantastical, deranged, and philosophical at its very core, and will take you on a bizarre quest that you have never before seen.
Project ZĒP’s defining features, described by the creator:
The making of a single Volume usually takes 9 months. After Nolan and Benji complete the artwork, video editor and sound mixer Declan Saville takes the Volume and digitizes it into an animated movie style presentation under Nolan’s careful direction! These wonderfully absorbing films will be available for rent here on our site, for you to fully experience the cinematic, gruelling splendour of ZĒP…
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